Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Offer

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All students will study a core curriculum which consists of English, Maths and Personal and Social Development

Pathway 1 and 2: Engage & Achieve and Support & Build Confidence pathways

  • delivered via a mixture of thematic and traditional based approaches which supports students’ making connections between subjects and improves knowledge acquisition and retention
  • one teacher and one learning mentor teaching a range of skills and knowledge from across the curriculum
  • strong focus on experiential learning; all students will have regular access to Outdoor Ed
  • staff trained to provided targeted interventions depending on the pathway – ELSA, ELKLAN, precision teaching, literacy interventions
  • students will be assessed for SEND Needs – Cognition and Learning/SEMH/Communication and interaction/Physical and Sensory Needs

Pathway 3: Return to mainstream

  • aim to cover a broad range of academic, National Curriculum subjects to maintain parity with mainstream peers
  • students likely to have been excluded for significant, one-off reason or may need additional support to access mainstream (SEND- Support Plan, EP report or Request for Statutory Assessment)
  • interventions to specifically target the reason for exclusion
  • interventions to support SEND needs

Pathway 4: Commissioned AP - Intensive Support

  • a range of academic subjects delivered by subject specialists
  • smaller settings, each commissioned provider has experience in providing SEND support
  • broad range of academic and SEND interventions
Barlow Hall Rd,
Manchester M21 7JJ

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