School Improvement

We take School Improvement seriously and are always looking to work with external partner agencies to help us self evaluate and drive improvement. We work closely with:

LA School Improvement Partner and QA - Angela Westington 


Angela has been working with Manchester Secondary PRU since September 2021 and is our LA QA partner. Angela has provided challenge and support to our SLT, especially around key areas such as PSHE and leadership. Her knowledge and expertise has been invaluable to the SLT in supporting our School Improvement journey as part of the 2025 vision.

Angela Westington (Bio)

I am a highly qualified, widely experienced, independent education consultant. I have extensive experience of school improvement, development and inspection across the age-ranges 3-16 years, including early years settings, maintained and independent schools, secondary schools, schools causing concern, pupil referral units and integrated residential provision.

For seventeen years, I was one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) of schools; five of those as a Senior HMI leading and managing two teams of inspectors, Schools and Early Years HMI/Regulatory Inspectors, in the West Midlands. Prior to that, I was an Assistant Divisional Manager and Managing Inspector in the south of England and also worked in the Policy Team in London on two iterations of the section 5 inspection handbook.

My work has taken me all over the country and abroad. I have worked alongside school and system leaders, local authority officers, locally elected members, MATs, MPs, DfE officials, dioceses, MOD and others to pursue educational excellence.


Independent School Improvement Partner - Curriculum and Literacy - Anne Seneviratne 

Anne has been working with Manchester Secondary PRU for 3 years. She has offered continuous support and challenge to the previous Executive Headteacher and the SLT since February 2021. Her work and advice for our curriculum leaders has been invaluable, in ensuring that we have a sufficiently challenging and ambitious curriculum for our learners. Anne has also supported the Management Committee with the performance management of previous Executive Headteacher as well as advising and supporting the current leadership team. 

Anne is a former HMI (2012 to 2020). She is a qualified English teacher and has taught across the full secondary range. She has a range of senior leadership experience in secondary schools and before joining Ofsted she was an academy principal. 




Barlow Hall Rd,
Manchester M21 7JJ

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