Online Safety
Social networking is hugely popular. Many young people are sophisticated in the way they use social media apps and websites, tailoring their communication for different audiences, and accessing them from a range of devices including smartphones, tablets, and games consoles. But social media, like all forms of public communication, comes with some risks. Not all of these risks turn into actual problems; and if children never face any risks, they never learn how to deal with them. By helping your child understand what the risks are, you can play a big part in preventing them from turning into problems. We hope the attached information can help you help them address the risks and pitfalls of using social media and stay safe on line.
If you need further support please contact the Learning Centre your child attends.
You can report online harmful content via the button and find out more information below Press to Report
The NSPCC can support Young People to take down shared nudes online - the link below will take you through the process.